Introducing Be→Do
A heart-centered catalyst for breakthrough productivity.
This is for you, if…
You feel like you’re running behind—no matter how hard you hustle
Prioritization is a constant challenge
Your tasks are scattered—and your mind is, too
You keep trying different apps and systems to help you finally get in control
It feels like you’re on a hamster wheel that will never stop
You feel guilty when you’re not working and worried that you’ve wasted time
Good news:
You don’t need…
To become a tasks management expert
To get perfectly organized
A fancy productivity system
More self-discipline
Because the problem is not your to-do list.
Here’s the secret to finally getting things under control…
The more you achieve,
the better you feel.
The better you feel,
the more you achieve.
The research is clear: the better you feel, the better you do.
Stress and anxiety cause us to…
Struggle making decisions
Lose focus
Overload our schedule
Complicate our priorities
In other words, we end up driving with the brakes on—sabotaging our own creative potential. Which, of course, leaves us either feeling disappointed that we’re failing or burned out when we finally reach a goal.
…but how can you feel good when there’s so much to do?
Try Be→Do
A simple tool that helps you focus, lowers stress, and reprograms your mind for optimal performance.
What is it?
Be→Do is a 3-part framework that makes goal achievement easier, less stressful, and more fulfilling.
The secret sauce?
Be→Do aligns your head and your heart with your goals. You think better and feel better—fast.
So no matter what way you like to get things done, Be→Do helps you do it better.
In its beta form, this tool will be a Notion template you can use on any device, whenever you need it.
How It Works
The Be→Do tool has 3 main components, or “cards” that catalyze breakthrough productivity in under 5 minutes a day.
1. The Vision Card
Prompts you to write your goal in a heart-level context, and then see evidence that you’re realizing you’re desired future.
Why does this work?
The focus on your desired outcome—both the goal and your future self—influences your subconscious mind to find solutions to stressful problems. Seeing evidence of your progress catalyzes self-belief that protects you from overwhelm and fear of failure.
2. The Activation Card
Prompts you to write 3 goal-specific actions for your day. Then, to list 3 stressors that you’d like to mentally release. At day’s end, you can use this card to recount what actions you took and what support you received for the stressors outside your control.
Why does this work?
Clarifying goal-specific tasks stops the overwhelm of urgent, everyday maintenance work. Writing and releasing stressors lowers anxiety. Recounting what you have done and the support you have received automates a positive, grateful mindset.
3. The Realignment Card
When stuff goes wrong and you feel bad, this card helps you feel better and upgrades your mindset—even if you have less than 5 minutes to “get your head right.”
Why does this work?
Stress, disappointment, and other negative emotions can derail our progress. But who has time for a therapy appointment in the middle of their workday? This card dynamically responds to how much time you have and guides you through a simple practice that frees you from limiting beliefs and the negative feelings they cause.
My Story
In my early 20s, I committed to becoming more successful. The key, I thought, was to improve my productivity.
So I picked up David Allen's classic book, Getting Things Done. His methodology has inspired Michael Hyatt's "Full Focus Planner" and Tiago Forte's "Second Brain" approaches.
A true productivity ninja, Allen treated task management like a martial art, promising a calm and adaptive "mind like water."
I went all in.
All of my tasks, ideas, notes, everything was accounted for. I set clear goals and objectives. I reviewed stuff on a daily and weekly basis. I tried to optimize my calendar for optimal productivity.
But about a decade later, I woke up to a harsh reality: my mind wasn't like water.
It was an echo chamber, pestering my constantly. And it carried one subconscious refrain: "you should be further along by now."
The result?
I got shingles—the result of chronic stress...while I was literally teaching productivity to folks like you.
Why was I so stressed, despite being highly organized and getting a lot done?
I think it's for the same reason many of my coaching clients feel that way, despite being some of the most successful leaders in their communities.
A "task-centered" productivity system has a fatal flaw: constant awareness of what you haven't gotten done yet.
Our brains naturally want to close open loops, so we instinctively respond by trying to get better at checking off the boxes.
It took a couple of years after getting shingles for me to find a healthier, more enjoyable—and ultimately far more effective alternative.
As I practiced it, my stress reduced, my daily sense of joy and purpose improved, and my income grew.
The last 2 years, I've attempted to codify this process for the sake of my coaching clients.
I can sum it up like this:
By cultivating the identity of your desired future self now, you're more peaceful and truly productive, even when there's a lot to do.
In other words, task management alone stresses you out. But having a simple system of "being management" provides relief, energy, and control in every circumstance.
I hope you join me as I attempt to bring this new approach to productivity into the world.
Blake Stratton
Join the Waitlist
Coming Early Summer 2024
The beta program for Be → Do is currently closed. Sign up below to be notified when the tool is ready for purchase.
Notion is digital workspace. You can use to manage tasks and notes, and even build tools to make work and life easier. A template is something you can duplicate and make your own. Notion is free to use and available on any platform.
The Be→Do tool is designed to work specifically on Notion, but the principles can be translated elsewhere.
Future versions of the tool may include an analog set-up or a custom mobile app. -
Here’s a description of who each level is for:
Pre-Order Level:
For those who want to support Blake and are fine waiting to see a finished product
Beta Tester Level:
For those who want to begin solving their productivity and stress problems ASAP, and give their voice to customizing the final product
Custom Build Level:
For small business owners, creators and freelancers who want the fastest and easiest path to a "Be Do" workflow, in a way that is perfectly customized to their specific situation -
The Be→Do tool can be utilized effectively even if you only have a few minutes in the morning.
However, the more you use it, the more time you will notice you have for it. -
The live workshop will guide you through the principles behind the tool, then help you set up and practice using the tool yourself. By the end, you’ll have everything you need to start getting daily results from the tool.
If you can’t come to the workshop live, don’t worry. You’ll get access to recording. -
Click here to email Blake your question.
The benefits I (Blake) have experienced using this tool include:
Less stress and worry, even in difficult circumstances
Easier, more consistent focus
Increased self-confidence and bravery to do the hard work
Freedom from years-old limiting beliefs
Increased awareness of opportunities to grow my business
Peace of mind when my task management gets messy, allowing me to course-correct quickly
More effortless consistency in personal health habits
By joining the beta program for this new tool now, you will…
Get the benefits of the tool earlier
Help shape the final product to your liking
Save $$
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